Schema Containerâ
Container describes how the Application's tasks are expected to be run. Depending on
the replicas parameter 1 or more containers can be created from each template.
Name and Description | Type | Default Value | Required |
image Image refers to the Docker image name to run for this container. More info: | str | Undefined | required |
command Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. Command will overwrite the ENTRYPOINT value set in the Dockfile, otherwise the Docker image's ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. | [str] | Undefined | optional |
args Arguments to the entrypoint. Args will overwrite the CMD value set in the Dockfile, otherwise the Docker image's CMD is used if this is not provided. | [str] | Undefined | optional |
env List of environment variables to set in the container. The value of the environment variable may be static text or a value from a secret. | {str: str} | Undefined | optional |
workingDir The working directory of the running process defined in entrypoint. Default container runtime will be used if this is not specified. | str | Undefined | optional |
resources Map of resource requirements the container should run with. The resources parameter is a dict with the key being the resource name and the value being the resource value. | {str: str} | Undefined | optional |
files List of files to create in the container. The files parameter is a dict with the key being the file name in the container and the value being the target file specification. | {str: container.FileSpec} | Undefined | optional |
dirs Collection of volumes mount into the container's filesystem. The dirs parameter is a dict with the key being the folder name in the container and the value being the referenced volume. | {str: str} | Undefined | optional |
livenessProbe LivenessProbe indicates if a running process is healthy. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. | p.Probe | Undefined | optional |
readinessProbe ReadinessProbe indicates whether an application is available to handle requests. | p.Probe | Undefined | optional |
startupProbe StartupProbe indicates that the container has started for the first time. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. | p.Probe | Undefined | optional |
lifecycle Lifecycle refers to actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. | lc.Lifecycle | Undefined | optional |
import catalog.models.schema.v1.workload.container as c
web = c.Container {
image: "nginx:latest"
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo hi"]
env: {
"name": "value"
resources: {
"cpu": "2"
"memory": "4Gi"
Schema FileSpecâ
FileSpec defines the target file in a Container.
Name and Description | Type | Default Value | Required |
content File content in plain text. | str | Undefined | optional |
contentFrom Source for the file content, reference to a secret of configmap value. | str | Undefined | optional |
mode Mode bits used to set permissions on this file, must be an octal value between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511 | str | Undefined | required |
import catalog.models.schema.v1.workload.container as c
tmpFile = c.FileSpec {
content: "some file contents"
mode: "0777"